I read, that the Devs basically wanted to add the improvements of WITW to the eastern front game. This isnt the initial intention about WITE 2.

In theory, by using the WiE map, we have the potential for someday having scenarios that include both east and west, although as has been mentioned before, anything before 1943 would require more involved naval rules or treating the Western Front as a Theater Box until 1943. Having played both you'll be able to jump in quickly and start playing, but you'll find lots of subtle and not so subtle changes that will impact your strategies. If you have played WitE you will recognize about 50% of the game, and if you've played WitW, you'll recognize another 25% of the game (give or take). From this starting point there are may additional changes including big ones like the event system and theater boxes and smaller ones like double and single rail lines on the map. Basically all data areas are constantly being improved.

The OB started from WitE's OB but with further research and improvements. It uses the War in Europe map that was in WitW (but with further work done in the eastern areas to improve it further). It starts from the WitW engine so it has expanded air and logistics rules. We hope that one or both of these games will come out in 2017, although this part of the post will self-destruct within 30 days and I will deny ever saying it. We are doing this while also working on a new tactical game inspired by Gary's old Steel Panthers series, something we are working on jointly with the Matrix development group. Going back to 1940 or 1939 as the start of a full WiE is probably more than we'll ever do, although one should never say never. It is even possible that eventually a 41-45 WiE would be doable, but that would be a lot of work.

Using the map to create other scenarios from earlier in the war would also be possible (I expect modders will eventually be able to do this if they want to, although adding new armies is a lot of work). This will give us the potential of creating a future game that would cover all of Europe from 1943-45. We are building the database to include everything that was in WitW and WitE. It will have many other elements that are different from WitE1, although the fundamental ground game will be similar to WitW. This game will use all the new features in WitW (new logistics, new air system, etc.). We are currently working on WitE2, which uses the War in the West map (expanded to cover to east of the Urals).